Monday, 07 June 2021 17:14

Why are tactical vests so popular today?

Trauma plates Trauma plates Source: License:

Effective protection against rounds is essential for all those who have jobs where they have to risk their lives.

Therefore, tactical vests today are the most popular form of armor, which combines excellent protection with light weight and flexibility. What are tactical vests able to stop and how do they differ from traditional bulletproof vests?

Tactical vests – excellent protection during combat

Firearms can inflict critical damage, especially if one of the vital organs is hit. The vast majority of these organs are located in the torso. Therefore, it is the effective protection of the chest that allows to minimize the risk of death by shots from firearms. For years, people used heavy bulletproof vests. This was quite a solid form of protection, but its disadvantage was the restriction of movement during combat. Effective defense is the key to victory, therefore armor cannot affect combat operations – for this reason, an alternative to heavy bulletproof vests was been sought.

A tactical vest is the perfect solution which protects and at the same time does not restrict movement. Trauma plates are the secret of the tactical vest's success and popularity. It is thanks to the replaceable inserts that the vest remains light, while effectively protecting the torso and all vital organs. Lightness is extremely important during combat operations, providing an important advantage. It is worth noting that tactical vests are also very often used by the vast majority of uniformed services, including special units.

Why are replacement plates so well suited to dangerous situations?

The first and main advantage of tactical vests is the wide possibility of customization. The vest can be tailored to a specific user. An additional ammunition pouch, pockets, or a frame for a large backpack – the user can customize the vest to the needs of a specific situation. The same applies to the weight and degree of protection of the replacement plates. Particularly noteworthy are products made by Ace Link. For example, their level 4 ceramic plates are able to stop bullets from various rifles, up to the powerful .30-06 APM2, i.e., the ammunition used by the Springfield rifle and the iconic M1 Grand.

Tactical vests – protection during service and combat

Replaceable plates for tactical vests make them the ultimate armor that can be adapted to a specific user. Thanks to this, the degree of protection depends on the circumstances of a given situation – uniformed services that have relatively safe duty can choose thinner and lighter protective plates, while soldiers and special services that are always in the center of dangerous events will choose effective ceramic plates that provide protection even against large caliber rounds.

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