Thursday, 21 April 2022 17:45

Art deco – the return of a style from 100 years ago

art deco bookshelf art deco bookshelf Sygnard

Fashion is very fond of comebacks. This is noticeable not only in apparel, but also in art and architecture.

This is the reason why designers so often draw their inspirations from what was fashionable years ago. In recent seasons a style that had its golden age just after the end of the First World War has been gaining popularity. We are of course talking about art deco so why is this style so desired today?

Geometric precision, gold and black the quintessence of art deco

Interior design is nowadays an extremely important stage of arranging an apartment or a house. What's more, many people claim that it is the proper arrangement of rooms that can effectively affect the atmosphere that is felt inside the house or apartment. That is why interior designers always strive to make the arranged interiors stand out in terms of aesthetics, style and, above all, the selection of all accessories.

For this reason, the art deco style, whose heyday was more than a century ago, is very popular again. Its most characteristic features are geometric ornaments, colors of white, black and gold as well as clear references to classic simplicity. Today everybody is enchanted with this style, that is why art deco is present not only in public space, but also in houses and apartments. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that the return to art deco gave this style a bit of contemporary flair, which is visible both in accessories and furniture modeled according to the style of the 1920s.

Can art deco be combined with other interior design styles?

Arte deco style is very distinctive and original. Its recognition is so high that it is difficult to confuse it with any other style. That is why today it is very often used as an interesting accessory, because it perfectly matches very popular interior design styles, such as the Scandinavian or loft style. One of the additions that will perfectly fit into rooms arranged in one of the modern styles is the art deco bookshelf. Such a bookshelf is a great addition that adds character and attracts attention. That is why art deco style accessories are currently enjoying a constantly growing interest and there is no indication that this trend is going to reverse in any way.


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